Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Niall Horan was rejected when I want tattooed ass

Niall admitted builders rejected ass tattoo because the skin was too soft.

Niall Horan is the only One Direction personnel who do not have tattoos. But who would have known that the 1D personnel proved most calm had wanted tattooed ass. When will implement this intention, Niall actually rejected by the tattooist.

The 19-year-old singer also told funny experiences related to this tattoo. At that time, Niall confessed to get a tattoo because he saw his friends already have tattoos. "Harry and Zayn seemed to love it right?" Niall said second hobby tells his friend, Harry Styles and Zayn Malik, who was fond of a tattoo.

"Harry even seems to have a new tattoo every day," he said. "Actually, I've decided to make one on my ass saying 'Made in Ireland', it's green."

Unfortunately, when it will do so at a tattoo shop in Los Angeles, Niall rejected. "I went to a tattoo shop in Los Angeles, but they would not do it. They say, 'Skin so soft ass. Tattooed If you want to be more toned.'"

However, instead of sad actually relieved when Niall admitted that his desire was rejected. Apparently, his desire was just a spontaneous thought that maybe he would later regret. "I think they actually help me. Was indeed not a good idea," he concluded. 

Sources  :   http://www.wowkeren.com/berita/tampil/00031595.html

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